Concierge Medicine
Your Visit
Well, this is up to you and what you need to be seen for. It may be as simple as a quick text to get a refill of your medications and lab slip. It might be a video visit so that I can remotely see how you or your family member is doing. By utilizing the medical devices sent to you as a part of your membership with Hybrid Health and a quick conversation via video, phone, text or email, I am able to get an overview of what is going on and create a treatment plan that works for you. A majority of health issues are quick and easy manage remotely. However, if you do need further evaluation due to something that can not be managed remotely (i.e. broken bone, laceration, chest pain) I can direct you to the best option for the care that you need. Utilizing the Bluetooth otoscope and camera on your phone, you are able to send me pictures of ears, noses, throats and wounds that would be otherwise difficult to properly treat remotely.
On vacation? I got you covered. The beauty of remote care is that it can be managed from anywhere. Prescription medications, outside of controlled medications, can be sent electronically to anywhere in the country.